Sunday, May 4, 2008

What month is it again?

Last week, it was the first of May. Subsequently, there was quite a bit of this substance that was light in it's descent. Having the characteristics of crystal and also made of the most abundant substance known here on planet earth, H2O. I'm not sure how this happened, but here are a couple pictures of its reality. Please, if you have children or those of a faint heart... let them leave the room now.

Here is the image of the white substance that was encountered on May 1st. Believe it or not!

This is the terrified chauffeur Nilson who was obviously scared to be driving in the "snow" again.

School is finally finished for the semester and I probably have around a B, B+ average in my classes. It feels good to not have to stress about what I'm not able to read and study for, but now I have reached a new quandary. What to do with the spare time I have now...

Georgette is enduring pretty well with the last part of the pregnancy. She is definitely ready to have Andrew on the outside. We cleaned out the car on Saturday and installed the car seat on Sunday. We did a test run with it and it is pretty stable. I don't think it will go anywhere with the straps and seatbelt securing it down. It looked really strange and in a way really good to see it, like a dream that is finally starting to come true.

Also, on Thursday, there was a baby shower thrown for Georgette by the ward. It really was a miracle to see. So many sisters pitched in and came together to do so much for her. She felt really awkward because she is usually so invisible at church. We go, say hi to a few people and then retreat home. Not this time... It was really amazing to me because it seems that normally in this ward, the people who live in the apartment complex are kind of a separate entity. The neighborhood families are also a separate entity, as well as the Villa's. The part that was amazing was that the whole ward came together to do something for someone living in the apartments.

Today in Sacrament meeting, I sang itsy bitsy spider to Andrew and after I was done, Georgette felt him turn or move when I stopped. Perhaps this is a way we can coax him out. Sing part of a song or read part of a book and then promise to finish it when he decides to join us outside the womb.

Here are some of the last pictures of Georgette and her belly before Andrew joins us.

Please notice her belly and not the dog in the background. He was just looking for 15 minutes of fame and petting.

I must admit, she is the most beautiful woman on the planet to date! I am grateful for her and every morning that she wakes up with me to make breakfast. For all the beautiful smiles she gives to me. For the many times she holds my hand and scratches my neck. For the encouragement she gives me with school. The list could go on and on...

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