Friday, August 28, 2009

She's One Month Old Already!

We can hardly believe that our little girl is already a month old as of yesterday. Andrew is now 15 months old and doing quite well adjusting to his baby sister his favorite thing to do is to try and give her a pacifier which she really doesn't want most of the time. Emmalee is quite alert and aware, she loves being snuggled and absolutely loves being carried around in the Moby wrap. She hates being in her car seat for ANY length of time and frequently serenades us with her displeasure during our outings in the car...good times, especially when Andrew feels like joining in the chorus! Life is good and hectic at the same time, but we love being the parents of two of the most adorable children ever!

Emmalee-One Month Old

Sweet Little Lady

Andrew 15 months old--hanging out in the bouncer
(no jealousy here! :))

Andrew practicing his GQ pose!

Cute Siblings!


TheKeilShpeel said...

Really cute.. Congrats!

Anna said...

Congrats on your newest rugrat and you budding mischief master mind. So cute!

Heather said...

OMG!! They are so cute together! Congrats!! He looks so big next to her!