Saturday, June 28, 2008

A baby haiku

Cry, cry, cry, waah, cry
Food food food this is my want
Waah scream cry cry sob.

I don't know if anyone else out there can relate to this, but for me, it seems that eating is about all Andrew wants to do. It's a shame that his communication skills are not quite as good as Napoleon, GOSH! It would be so wonderful if Andrew could articulate...

Please mommy/daddy, I just soiled myself and would love it dearly if you would remove this diaper from my bum and wipe me clean then place a new diaper on me. I love the feel of a new fresh diaper, it is so wonderful!

Or... Oh wow, what is this new sensation that I feel in my belly? It feels like my stomach is going to sprout legs and walk off on hunger strike. I can see it now, with his little picket sign saying, 'Down with Georgette, she is starving us! Shame on her, we need food!'

Or... I'm hungry mother, really I am. (Movie trivia, what line was that in?)

Or... This position is sure uncomfortable, please hold me (this way) and I will rest peacefully.

Oh how effective that would be! Of course... patience is a virtue and so far I'm convinced that at this stage, kids are a wonderful teachers of patience. (Please forgive the grammatical errors, I am quite sleepy from a pretty long day. Also, I have a fine furry friend named Hobbes, who at this point is letting me know that it is time for me to give him love and attention. Even at the cost of gutting his slave with his claws. OUCH!)

Being a parent is worth it though. Those times when you look at him and do something utterly silly and he smiles back at you is about all I need to keep things in perspective.

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