Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Most Important Unanswered Question To Date

Work went well for me today. There wasn't much excitement. Joe and I were on the Falcon lift doing the mirrors at the very top above the fountain in the Conference Center. We were unable to finish them because a contractor needed the lift to put up a few speakers. We could have finished it, but we were told it was going to be used at 7am. We moved it and around 9:30 they finally showed up. *much grumbling*

The best part of my day though was seeing Georgette and Andrew at lunch. It's become a tradition for them to come downtown to visit on Tuesdays for lunch. We had our usual hangabur's and "freedom fries". After work, we took Joe to school and went to our apartment to pick up a coupon for a free "peek at the goods" check at the hospital where we go for Georgette's baby checkups. Then a short trip to the hospital to use the coupon and a quick trip to Pixels to pick up some photos for my photography class.

We ran to a credit union and Andrew was starting to fuss and complain about his short incarceration in his car seat. Evidently, he complained that he never had a lawyer to represent him and thought it unconstitutional. I dropped them off at our soon to be former apartment and I went to my Religious Diversity and Photography class.

I missed Physics due to a small, minor, peanut checkup, but my teacher said it was ok and to remind him when I hand in my hand-in assignment on Thursday. Now I am getting ready to take a Trig test while Andrew is asleep and Georgette is hard at work on our second baby.

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