Sunday, November 23, 2008

One Lucky Fellow

I have been quite busy as of late. I am almost finished with another semester of school and wondering where all the time has gone. I guess that must mean I've been having quite a bit of fun.... *COUGH* Well there is some fun I've had recently.

I have spent a little more time with my family as of late and remember how much I love them. I love to see my beautiful smiling wife's face and to hear her laugh. I enjoy holding Andrew and pretending to eat his belly causing a fit of laughter. It was really nice to hold him while he took a nap while watching "The Forgotten Carols". I sat there and wondered how it all happened that put me there with him in my arms. I wondered if that was really real. I thought back to my childhood and all I experienced. I sometimes don't feel like I've grown up. I still feel like I'm a little kid in a large world. I've learned more than I knew when I was a child, but in some ways, I don't feel like I've grown up.

I am grateful to say that work and school will only last for a finite amount of time. I only have a little bit left to go.(At least that's what I tell myself to look at my goal as a short term thing) I sometimes wonder if we American's are so concerned about going and going and going that we lose something in the hustle and bustle. I feel a little more productive when I am working and going to school, but I also am not nearly as happy as I have been the past few days.

Georgette and I went to the temple for an endowment session and it's been some time since we've been. It really was good to go again and there really is an amazing peace that you can feel nowhere else. The closest is at home.

I am so amazed at how fast Andrew is growing up. He's now over 16 pounds and putting on rolls like there's no tomorrow. He is developing so fast. The other day, Georgette saw him on all fours. In his bed, hanging out and working on his crawl. He's starting to get the Army crawl down and can maneuver across the floor to get to an object in his fancy. I don't doubt he will be crawling on his own within a month. Then walking, and running. I think I need to invest in a way to keep him from running off, especially if he's anything like his father...

I would like to also thank my wife Georgette, for all her love and support. I don't know where I'd be without you. I hope and pray that I will be able to return and be able to hold my head up when I give an accounting of my life with you. That I have been the husband you deserve.

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