Monday, February 4, 2008

A day in the life of...

Winter seems to have moved in and has no sign of leaving. There have been quite a few snow storms coming through the valley here. There was a nice day on Saturday, but it's been snowing on and off lately.

Work is going well, and I really do enjoy working on Temple Square. I feel very fortunate to spend at least 8 hours in a wonderful place like that. I had the opportunity to work on Saturday for Pres. Hinkley's funeral. It turned out to be a slow day on Temple Square and we were allowed to watch the funeral services. They were well done, but I couldn't stay awake during the first few speakers. After Pres. Eyring I was able to stay awake.

Sometimes I wonder how many people see the work I do. I wonder if anyone is aware of my presence there. I am amazed at how many people come there and visit. I received a few thank you's while I was working on Saturday for the job we do. It really is nice to hear that recognition and thanks.

Georgette started working at JetBlue this week and seems to be enjoying the training so far.

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